
Immediate Savings
Chiropractic Savings with Rubicare
Partnering with quality chiropractic practices, our plans function as membership programs featuring exclusive savings, distinct from traditional insurance. Participating chiropractic providers have agreed to reduce their rates for plan members, requiring a small membership fee to access significant savings during each visit.
Some chiropractic visits can turn into more than routine care. Rubicare can help you save:
- 50% off the first visit which includes a consultation, diagnostic exam including needed x-rays and physical exam
- 25% savings on existing patient treatments, exams, diagnostic exams, x-rays, and treatments

Chiropractic Discounts
What Chiropractic services are in my Rubicare Health Savings Plan?
- Treatments
- Exams
- X-rays
- Diagnostic Exams
*Some exclusions apply. Please speak with your provider about Rubicare.
Rubicare Chiropractic Providers
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